On Saturday The London Lucumi Choir sang at the V&A Museum of Childhood as part of the New Voices Festival for Refugee week. The first image is of one the dancers we work with,Yolanda Perez, getting ready to perform as “Elegua”, the afro cuban orisha or deity. We start all our concerts singing one of the various Elegua sequences in our repertory.
Here are some images from the grounds of the museum. These decorated gourds are shekeres, one of the many percussion instruments we use:
A giant installation for refugee week:
Here I am in the ladies loo checking myself out in the mirror before going on stage:
Some punters; note the trendy waxed moustache:
Here’s a picture of choir director Daniela Rosselson de Armas in action. (You can see more pictures of Daniela in a previous journal post from May 4th)
A few pictures with Daniela and friends and supporters: