The London Lucumi Choir recording session: a behind the scenes gallery

Over the weekend The London Lucumi Choir travelled to Nottingham to record tracks for our upcoming 4th album. We’ve recorded at the Paper Stone Studios before and had a positive experience. The acoustics suit our music which are sequences of Afro Cuban spiritual song and percussion and the engineer is calm and understands the production sound our director, Daniela Rosselson de Armas, is going for. Indeed we recorded eight tracks over two days. On the first day our percussionists were our current London team of batà drummers and on Sunday we worked with Nottingham-based drummers.  We were also joined by more singers from Nottingham who had previously been taught the repertoire by Daniela. Rather than being a fully comprehensive document, this is a partial record as I only managed to capture some of the singers. I’ve included moments when we were listening to playback of recordings as well as hanging out between takes.

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The London Lucumi Choir official website

My 12 year project documenting behind the scenes with the London Lucumi Choir

Paper Stone Studios

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