Roses in the city

This blog is devoted to the representation of roses. I’ve encountered roses in a variety of ways in the last few months; these images encompass different genres including documentary, fashion, still life, travel and street photography. Last year I wrote a piece about the Sant Jordi Festival in Girona, a Catalan St. George’s Day celebration … Read more

Roses are Red – The Sant Jordy Festival in Girona

I’ve just returned from spending a few days in Girona, a city in Northern Catalonia, Spain. In addition to its rich history Girona is now a popular destination for cyclists. Whilst my husband was out cycling every day I was discovering the city in my own way and photographing it. This blog focuses on images … Read more

A Year of Roses

I was walking down Portobello Road last week when I came across a woman wearing a vibrant animal and red rose floral print outfit; her hair was tied back and crowned with a headband decorated with roses, a bit reminiscent of Frida Kahlo’s style. Her name was Mona: This got me thinking about other photographs … Read more

Red October – A Visual Diary

In recent weeks I have been doing my usual thing of walking around with a camera and photographing whatever catches my eye as well as developing and editing several ongoing photographic projects. Looking through the photographs I’ve taken this month I was struck by one of the themes that came through – the dominance of … Read more

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

I have been taking my time writing this post as it has been proving to be more complex than I thought. Originally it was a supposed go be a companion post to Gotta Photograph that hat! and to a future post focussing on head wraps and scarves. In many ways it still is; I just found … Read more

Highgate Cemetery in late autumn

A few days ago I decided to visit Highgate Cemetery. It had been a glorious day and parts of the cemetery were still illuminated by the late afternoon sun. Here are some of the photographs I took at the East Cemetery: I like the way the ivy encircled this sunlit stone figure and the fusion … Read more

Beauty & Sadness: a rainy day in London

A few months ago I read the book Beauty and Sadness by the Japanese author Yasunari Kawabata. The title came to mind again when I was thinking about the essence of the following images. I took these photographs the other day, gravitating towards beauty and nature in a week where the news has been very depressing; full … Read more