I started taking photographs of mannequins during in Covid-19 pandemic back in March 2020 in the week the lockdown was announced. I’d walked to Hampstead on the Friday to kill two birds with one stone – for daily exercise and to buy bagels and challah at a bakery there. Hampstead is full of high end boutiques but this surreal sight caught my eye:
Here’s a series of photos featuring mannequins in this two month period. Below, a lingerie shop in Soho where the shadows cast by the metal grilles contribute to a connotation of caged imprisonment:
Surreal windows in Oxford Street:
Mannequins usually deploying sportswear now look like super-fit life models at an art class:
Surreal twins:
Surreal colourful but dystopian street scene, May 2020
Locked in colour and silks in Berwick Street:
Magritte-like illusion in Hampstead:
Abstract monochromatic mannequin composition with shadow:
Illusion in Soho; not unique to the pandemic but taken in this period:
And finally, mystery in Brewer Street:
Thank You Tahnia